Hot off the press! UNDER THE NEVER SKY will be available one month sooner than planned. The new release date is January 3rd, 2012.
That means the following:
  1. I have less time to accomplish many, many things! Things I’m not even sure about yet, but I know there are many.
  2. I have one less month to wait – which means one less month to gnaw on my fingernails. (Which is great!)
  3. I can buy a copy for my mother for her birthday on the 4th of January now.
Switching gears, I also wanted to congratulate the winners of the YA Muses Blogoversary contest, IceyBooks and Elizabeth Briggs. I’ll be sending them signed ARCs of UNDER THE NEVER SKY soon. They’re the first people, outside friends and family, who I’m sending ARCs to, so it’s rather special for me. Kinda like packing off the kids for their first day of school, which is coincidentally also happening over here. I do hope they enjoy it!