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Three Days and Counting…

Next week, my debut novel will be out in the world.

*dramatic pause*

At any given moment, I’ve been alternating between a zen-like attitude and panic. This is the moment of letting go, after two and a half years of brainstorming, researching, writing, revising, revising, revising. Of hoping that it’s good enough and that it entertains and moves people–hopefully many people. I know it will fall short of some reader’s expectations. Not every book hits the right notes with me, either, and that’s okay. We all have our preferences. But I do hope that the majority of those who pick up NEVER SKY find their time with the story time well-spent.


Who am I kidding? I hope they love it.

One thing I’m sure about: I love that book. It’s not perfect, but I do love it. And it’s ready for you, World.

Now, onto super fun things:

BLOG TOUR OF AWESOME — The Teen Book Scene is hosting a blog tour for yours truly. I had so much fun with this crew–thanks for having me! Please stop over and visit their blogs. And mega-thanks to Kari, for putting everything together!

BOOK LAUNCH CELEBRATION — Over at the YA Muses, next week is UNDER THE NEVER SKY launch week. Come by for prizes and much merriment! Details here.

FIRST RECORDED SIGHTING IN THE WILD — Check this out… I know that book. I know it really, really well. Excuse me while I pass out for a moment.

Finally, Happy New Year to you! 
I hope 2012 brings you health, happiness and books.

Phasellus dignissim tempus

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“Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit dolor vel metus accumsan lobortis. Suspendisse est nunc, tempor vitae eleifend vel, vulputate eget tortor.”
-Jane Smith / Creative Ideas

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ultricies dictum luctus. Sed lacinia velit a orci arg tincidunt et sagittis erat egestas. Vestibulum vestibulum aliquet elit ac aliquet. Phasellus at dolor vel metus atu accumsan lobortis. Morbi at mollis purus. Suspendisse est nunc, tempor vitae eleifend vel, vulputate eget tortor nullam sit amet magna at nulla luctus vulputate at in leo. ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ultricies dictum luctus. Sed lacinia velit a orci arg tincidunt et sagittis erat egestas. Vestibulum vestibulum aliquet elit ac aliquet. Phasellus at dolor vel metus atu accumsan lobortis. Morbi at mollis purus. Suspendisse est nunc, tempor vitae eleifend vel, vulputate eget tortor nullam sit amet magna at nulla luctus vulputate at in leo.

Look up!

Who doesn’t love seeing the changing moods of the sky? Over at the UNDER THE NEVER SKY Facebook page, we’re posting our favorite pictures of the sky. You really should check it out. They’re amazing. And please share your own!

Here’s one I took recently on my trip to New York. You really have to work to see the sky in Manhattan, but it’s so worth it when you see all the gorgeous architecture against the big blue.

Update:  My mom and dad are in the countryside outside of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil right now, visiting family. I haven’t seen them in weeks and weeks. I just emailed my dad asking him to contribute a photo to the Facebook page. He sent this:

And this:
And this:

And you know what? It’s amazing to see what he’s seeing. And even more amazing to think that it’s the same sky, way over in Brazil. And that he was looking at it and thinking of me, and I now I’m looking at my sky thinking of him. Anyway. Very cool.

So how about it? Where are you? What does your sky look like? Would love to see it!

Bookanistas & Story Masters

1. Story Masters – This week, the YA Muses are talking about the Story Masters workshop that we attended in Houston, TX.
  • Donald Maass
  • James Scott Bell
  • Christopher Vogler
2. Bookanistas – Looking for a good read? Here are the Bookanista’s picks for this week.
(Notice Corinne Jackson’s review… Hmm…. Sounds like a good book.)

Story Masters & PW Galley Talk!

1. PW Galley Talk - This review completely made my day. Completely.

2. Story Masters! I wrote up a short thing over at YA Muses. It was epic. Highlight for me: I got to sign one of my ARCs to Chris Vogler, whom I’m a huge fan of. Chris Vogler, whose teachings I use to write the book I signed to him. omg it was awesome. I might have teared up.


I was in Oakland yesterday for NCIBA. I got to spend time with Talia Vance and Katy Longshore, my fellow Muses, and I came home with a bag full of ARCs of books I’m so excited about! Here are a few:

A MILLION SUNS by Beth Revis
PANDEMONIUM by Lauren Oliver
SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Steifvater
FRACTURE by Megan Miranda

Once I’ve read them, I plan to do some giveaways to spread the wealth so stay tuned! UNDER THE NEVER SKY was at the HarperCollins booth; it was amazing to see that.

The best part of NCIBA, however, was meeting Northern California book bloggers, who are some of the nicest people, and who are so passionate about books. Loved meeting them, and only wish I could have spent more time with them.

Next week, I head to Story Masters in Houston, which should be phenomenal. Anyone else heading out that way? I’d love to meet you!

Goodreads ARC Giveaway

1. Harper Collins is giving away TEN copies of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. Check it out!

2. Paul Rudd is awesome. (This is only one of many reasons.) Who else has managed to hang onto an AOL email account? Raise your hands. Let’s not live in shame any longer!

Paul Rudd in US Weekly

3. DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE by Laini Taylor releases tomorrow. Go. Buy. It.

That is all.

New Release Date

Hot off the press! UNDER THE NEVER SKY will be available one month sooner than planned. The new release date is January 3rd, 2012.
That means the following:
  1. I have less time to accomplish many, many things! Things I’m not even sure about yet, but I know there are many.
  2. I have one less month to wait – which means one less month to gnaw on my fingernails. (Which is great!)
  3. I can buy a copy for my mother for her birthday on the 4th of January now.
Switching gears, I also wanted to congratulate the winners of the YA Muses Blogoversary contest, IceyBooks and Elizabeth Briggs. I’ll be sending them signed ARCs of UNDER THE NEVER SKY soon. They’re the first people, outside friends and family, who I’m sending ARCs to, so it’s rather special for me. Kinda like packing off the kids for their first day of school, which is coincidentally also happening over here. I do hope they enjoy it!