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Book Tour Was Amazing Because of You

Dear writing friends, flanking the amazing Ellen Hopkins at Rakestraw Books

What do the following names have in common:

Katherine Pam Jess Cameron Eva Debbie Nancy Melissa Francie Martha Jen Mindy Anna Jaime Patricia Debbie Connie Kristen Shannon Breanna Stacee Darla Jenny Karen Mickey Hannah Axie Melissa Farrah Valia Tara

Answer: They are just some of the amazing bloggers and readers I met over the past days at the launch of my book, and on the Dark Days tour with Tahereh Mafi and Ellen Schreiber. And the author love! Ellen Hopkins (yes, THE Ellen Hopkins), Lisa Desrochers, YA Muses, Lia, Jackie, Nikki, Debra, Shannon, Kristen, Kiersten, Gretchen, Cory… Gahhh… You guys! Thank you for coming! I think I can speak for Tahereh and Ellen here: we were blown away by the support!
Thank you so much to Rakestraw Books (Danville), Books Inc. (San Francisco), Mysterious Galaxy (San Diego), and Changing Hands (Phoenix) for hosting us. Your bookstores are wonderful! Please reach out to the independent stores if you are interested in purchasing signed copies of our books!
Signing some books!

Special thanks to Becky (Stories and Sweeties), Shannan (Girl in the Stacks) and Bailey (IB Book Blogging) for covering the event. Look for their posts, with interviews and photos soon!

If you were there and covered the event, I’d love it if you’d leave a link in the comments. And if you came out to see us and I didn’t mention your name, let me know! And thank you.

Finally, to friends–old and new, family, mentors who came the event at Rakestraw Books, thank you, with all my heart, for being part of one of the best nights of my life!


More happiness.
A lovely arrangement, at the reception after the signing.
The party after the signing
The lovely magnum of ROAR, gifted by the generous and talented Gary Franscioni
The after party, at THE VINE

Special shout-out to Sherman Chu, friend and professional photog, for these beautiful shots!


Yep, you heard right. So much epic awesomeness happening.

Don’t miss it!

Really. Don’t.

Thursday, J

anuary 12th   at 7 PM -  Books, Inc. Opera Plaza, San Francisco, CA with Tahereh Mafi, Ellen Schreiber and Anna Carey *Not Your Mother’s Book Club event!

Friday, January 13th at 7 PM - Mysterious GalaxySan Diego, CA with Tahereh Mafi and Ellen Schreiber



Saturday, January 14th at 7 PM Changing HandsTempe, AZ with Tahereh Mafi and Ellen Schreiber


Read about My Book Two Battle over at the YA Muses and check out the truly amazing Shelf Awareness Review of Under The Never Sky!

NEVER SKY Survival Quiz

I think my local bookstore is excited…

Today, in brief:

1. FACEBOOK SURVIVAL QUIZ - Check this out! The photos are so evocative; I love this quiz…. and I survived!

2. PERRY LOVE – Another great post celebrating UTNS… this time focusing on Perry, over at the YA Muses.

3. GOOD STUFF - This made me really happy. Really.

When you support your local bookstore, they support you. Thank you, Rakestraw Books!

The Big Day, Sparkle Dust, and Gratitude

Today, my debut novel, UNDER THE NEVER SKY, hits the bookshelves. I’ve been imagining this day for more than a year; you would think it would easier for me to believe it’s really happening, but I find myself rather stunned.
Part of me is still the writer in the corner table at the local coffee shop, headphones stuffed in my ears, frantically typing away during the 2.25 hours in which my youngest was in preschool. The writer who stayed awake many, many nights, staring at the ceiling and wondering, how do you get published? Will it ever happen? What’s the magic to it? Is there a wand somewhere? Sparkle dust? How do you do this?
I can answer those questions now. I don’t think any of you will be surprised to hear that hard work–and tons of revision—is a major part of it. But the part that’s clearer to me everyday is this: people.

A book is written by one person who is supported and encouraged by many. Here, friends, are my supporters…. The sparkle dust that made this happen… along with my thanks.

Editor, HarperCollins Crew, Agent, Mentors & Writing Friends: Thank you for your time. Thank you for your thoughtful critiques and words of encouragement. Thank you for your belief in me and UNDER THE NEVER SKY. Thank you for picking me up when I needed it. Thank you for making me look far better than I would have without you. And thank you for sharing this journey with me. When I turn the pages of NEVER SKY, I see you: your comments and reactions, and all the thousand ways you helped to shape it. Thank you.
Family & Friends: Thank you for supporting me on this impractical, time-consuming, reclusive obsession of mine. Thanks for being patient when I disappear into the writing cave, and for pulling me out of there from time to time. Thank you for putting up with me this year (which has been a little stressful and harried, in spite of all the good fortune I’ve had.) Most of all, thank you for being the point. I am lucky to do what I do, but my life is about you. What matters are the birthday parties and school plays and impromptu dinners and the football games in the court and walks to Starbucks. You make my life rich, and I’m so grateful for every one of you.
Bloggers & Readers: You. Guys. Are. Awesome. Many of you have read UNDER THE NEVER SKY and loved it. Thank you for sharing your enjoyment with me; this so much fun because of you, and so very rewarding. To those who read it and didn’t love it, I thank you for giving it a try. I did my best, I promise, to entertain you. If you’re a potential reader, I do hope you fall in love just a little bit. If you do, I’d love to know about it.
I want to thank the YA Muses in particular for this week’s UNDER THE NEVER SKY celebration. You guys are wonderful.
In closing—though it’s probably rather clear by now—I want to say that I’m grateful. Really, really grateful for this day, and this accomplishment. Thank you for sharing it with me.

Happy New Year!


Ahhh…. The land down under. Who isn’t enchanted by Australia? 
I am. Always have been. Which makes it especially amazing that UNDER THE NEVER SKY is now on Australian bookshelves. I’m only disappointed my book got there before I did. 
I’ve “met” some of you via the nets. Tez, Brodie, Lisa, Kat, Amie and Rebecca (thanks for the photo!) to name just a few. And I have to know: Is there some national coolness test you guys have to pass? Are you a utopia, Australia? I’m beginning to wonder.
If you’ve come by and you’re from Oz as well, please leave a comment and say hello! Or G’ day? (I feel like a poser saying that. Did it sound ok?) I’d love to hear from you! Also, do any of you know Chris Hemsworth? I’m kidding… Sort of… Do you?

To you Aussies, I hope the Australian Never Sky treats you well. Cheers, mates! 
And look at you. You’re beautiful.

Three Days and Counting…

Next week, my debut novel will be out in the world.

*dramatic pause*

At any given moment, I’ve been alternating between a zen-like attitude and panic. This is the moment of letting go, after two and a half years of brainstorming, researching, writing, revising, revising, revising. Of hoping that it’s good enough and that it entertains and moves people–hopefully many people. I know it will fall short of some reader’s expectations. Not every book hits the right notes with me, either, and that’s okay. We all have our preferences. But I do hope that the majority of those who pick up NEVER SKY find their time with the story time well-spent.


Who am I kidding? I hope they love it.

One thing I’m sure about: I love that book. It’s not perfect, but I do love it. And it’s ready for you, World.

Now, onto super fun things:

BLOG TOUR OF AWESOME — The Teen Book Scene is hosting a blog tour for yours truly. I had so much fun with this crew–thanks for having me! Please stop over and visit their blogs. And mega-thanks to Kari, for putting everything together!

BOOK LAUNCH CELEBRATION — Over at the YA Muses, next week is UNDER THE NEVER SKY launch week. Come by for prizes and much merriment! Details here.

FIRST RECORDED SIGHTING IN THE WILD — Check this out… I know that book. I know it really, really well. Excuse me while I pass out for a moment.

Finally, Happy New Year to you! 
I hope 2012 brings you health, happiness and books.

Phasellus dignissim tempus

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“Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit dolor vel metus accumsan lobortis. Suspendisse est nunc, tempor vitae eleifend vel, vulputate eget tortor.”
-Jane Smith / Creative Ideas

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This is for real now…

You guys…. they’re here.

Final copies of UNDER THE NEVER SKY just arrived.

And… and… Wow and tears and shaking hands and all of it. Everything. That’s what I’m feeling right now.  This is a moment I’ve wanted for so long. Unbelievable. Truly.

Inkpop Chat & Kirkus Star!

Hey guys!

Less than a month to go until UNDER THE NEVER SKY is on bookshelves (or in e-readers). If any of you are wondering whether it’s possible to run on adrenaline for weeks at a time, I can tell you that the answer is yes. I’m excited, nervous, excited, nervous. I tend to be a bit of an introvert, so it’s been a lot of adjustment over here.

Thank you to everyone who has read the book, and responded with such enthusiasm. If I could give each of you a hug, I would. Unless you’re not a hugger, in which case I would offer knuckles.

Here’s a round-up of recent goings-on:

1. INKPOP CHAT – This afternoon at 5 PM EST, I’ll be over at chatting about the world of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. I’d love to see you there!

2. A KIRKUS STAR – Kirkus gave UNS a starred review, calling the book “Inspired, off-beat and mesmerizing.” Guys…. I can’t even…. I never…. I mean…. I’m not sure that one is ever going to sink in. Ever. I love that they called it “off-beat.” My goal in writing it was to just let go, and tell a story without being afraid of fitting it into a neat box. To see that quality praised (by Kirkus!) is just the coolest thing. Seriously, a star from Kirkus feels huge to me. (“I’d like to thank the Academy…”)

3. I’ve posted a few new international covers for UNS. It’s so fun to see how different countries interpret the story visually. I love them all. Each one is like seeing the story through a new lens. Check them out!

Finally, be on the lookout for a revamp of the blog soon. A good friend is helping me beautify this here site. Thank you, Lia!

Look up!

Who doesn’t love seeing the changing moods of the sky? Over at the UNDER THE NEVER SKY Facebook page, we’re posting our favorite pictures of the sky. You really should check it out. They’re amazing. And please share your own!

Here’s one I took recently on my trip to New York. You really have to work to see the sky in Manhattan, but it’s so worth it when you see all the gorgeous architecture against the big blue.

Update:  My mom and dad are in the countryside outside of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil right now, visiting family. I haven’t seen them in weeks and weeks. I just emailed my dad asking him to contribute a photo to the Facebook page. He sent this:

And this:
And this:

And you know what? It’s amazing to see what he’s seeing. And even more amazing to think that it’s the same sky, way over in Brazil. And that he was looking at it and thinking of me, and I now I’m looking at my sky thinking of him. Anyway. Very cool.

So how about it? Where are you? What does your sky look like? Would love to see it!